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Undergraduate students and parents have inquired about whether they will need to return to campus after the Thanksgiving holiday break. As previously communicated in our Fall 2021 Reopening Plan, undergraduate courses will conduct final exams online, if the final examination is scheduled after Thanksgiving. While we are certainly encouraged by the 99 percent vaccination compliance rate among students and decreasing incidence of COVID-19 cases on campus, we know that many students will be traveling home for the Thanksgiving break and celebrating with unvaccinated family and friends.

As a result, undergraduate courses conducted the final week of classes (November 29 – December 3, 2021) will be held online as will any final examinations for undergraduate students. Residence halls will remain open through the final examination period to maintain student access. Regardless of whether or not an undergraduate student returns to campus following the Thanksgiving break for the final week of courses, all students are required to move out of the residence halls by December 15, 2021, at the normal time.

Graduate and professional students (dentistry, divinity, education, graduate school, law, medicine, pharmacy, social work), as well as students in fine arts performance courses, will maintain their previously announced schedule. Please contact your dean if you have any additional questions.