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  • Supporting Unit: Human Resources

H2 Oh Yeah - Hydration Challenge
July 10 - July 28

The H2 Oh Yeah - Hydration Challenge encourages employees to get hydrated and stay hydrated. Proper hydration is more than just counting cups of liquid. During this challenge, employees will score points for tracking their daily water intake and hydration habits. Attached is more information on the importance of drinking water and a physical tracker that can be used if you are having trouble with the app. You will also be added to a Microsoft teams page that will allow you to post pictures of your water at your desk and receive motivation to stay strong throughout the challenge. You will have until July 31st to submit entries and be eligible for a prize!

Join the challenge: Homepage Howard | EWH (employeewellnesshub.com)

Rules and Tracking Data 

Employees may participate in the challenge as individuals. Please read these challenge rules:

  • Registration is open now. The challenge begins July 10. Click here to join the challenge!
  • Employees will track water intake by logging into the challenge site and using the tracker in the “Track Data” tab. If you want to track data on your smartphone, you can also download the app.
  • Employees can track data up to 5 days in the past if needed. Entries beyond 5 days from the activity completion date will be flagged for review and will only be permitted if approved by the Challenge Administrator.
  • Please use the honor system when tracking your activities.
  • A third party group is monitoring entries and will also flag entries that are backdated too far.
  • Always follow your health professional's advice and adjust your water consumption goals accordingly.

Water is essential to good health, yet needs vary by individual. Click here for some guidelines about how much water you should drink each day.


Employees will score points in the challenge in the follow ways:

  • Score 1 point for each cup (8oz) of water that you drink during the day (Max 15 points per day).
  • Score 5 points each day you have a water bottle at your desk, or carry a water bottle with you to work (Max 5 points per day).
  • Score 5 points each day you avoid drinking high-sugar beverages and alcohol.(Max 5 points per day).


Bose Bluetooth Speaker, Apple iPad, Apple Watch


Questions? Concerns? Reach out to Onsite Health Coach Chinwe Igwe Email: chinwe.igwe@howard.edu Phone: 202-480-0724