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Safety Update: Reducing On-Campus Census

Dear Howard University Community,

As Howard University continues to closely monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, our main priority remains the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff. Over the past 48 hours, there have been significant developments in the global, national, and local responses to the ongoing spread of COVID-19.  The World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, with more than 140,000 cases worldwide and more than 1,700 known cases in the United States.  The Federal Government has issued new guidance discouraging any travel of U.S. citizens abroad; instructing all travelers from specified countries in Europe, including U.S. citizens, to self-quarantine for 14-days upon their arrival to the United States; and, beginning later today, restricting travel of non-U.S. citizens to the United States from the Schengen Area of Europe.  In Washington, D.C., Mayor Bowser has declared both a state of emergency and a public health emergency and D.C. Health has recommended the cancelling of large non-essential gatherings. 

Given these events, and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the University is making urgent decisions with the expectation that conditions in the U.S. will significantly decline before the crisis is resolved. We recognize and appreciate the unique circumstances of our student population who may have financial barriers to moving home quickly, our staff and faculty needs around daycare and technological support for remote and online instruction and learning. In addition, please note that we are in communication with the Department of Education (DOE) and following their guidance for any interruptions (or modifications) of study.

Reduce Campus Density 

For the Howard community’s safety, and to reduce the risk of the transmission or spread of COVID-19, we must significantly de-densify the campus population. The best way to ensure that our student population does not contract the virus will be to eliminate the opportunities to congregate in large groups, such as classrooms and residence halls.

We urge residents to make arrangements to leave campus for their permanent addresses by Wednesday, March 25, at noon, taking as many of their items as possible. 

Because circumstances have changed, these instructions differ from those sent in a previous communication. We now anticipate potential disruptions in the supply chain for goods and services, so we cannot plan to accommodate large numbers of students on campus.

Now, we anticipate that students will need to remain off-campus through the rest of the semester.  

Student Belongings 

When moving out, students should take all valuables, forms of ID, and medications. Online courses will continue through the remainder of the semester, so students should be sure they have the materials they will need to complete their coursework remotely. 

For any items that students are unable to take with them right now, we will arrange a time for the end of the semester, during which students can retrieve their belongings.

Exceptions for Students to Remain On-Campus 

We recognize that some students may be unable to go home, with reasons ranging from high incidence rates of COVID-19 in certain parts of the country to travel limitations for international students. The University will continue to provide housing and food services for students under these circumstances. If applicable, students should complete the Extenuating Circumstances Housing Form. Those who meet these criteria to remain in the residence halls should be prepared to consolidate on campus.

These are unpredictable circumstances, and conditions are changing daily. We need to ensure that everyone can return home quickly and safely, and appreciate your cooperation. For additional information and FAQ’s regarding COVID-19, visit Howard’s coronavirus webpage.  Please contact Residential Life at (202) 806-6131 if you have further questions.
Excellence in Truth and Service,

Kenneth M. Holmes
Vice President for Student Affairs