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Howard University Pharmacy Students Help Win Major Legislative Victory for DC Health

Patrick Fotso and Pawlose Ketema

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 15, 2018) – Howard University third-year College of Pharmacy student Patrick Fotso is winning recognition from the American Pharmacists Association for his effort to galvanize support behind a new set of rules that DC pharmacists have sought for years to expand their services.

Last year, College of Pharmacy students, led by Fotso, joined the Washington DC Pharmacy Association and other health care organizations to create a letter-writing campaign in support of the expeditious adoption of the new pharmacy regulations to improve health care. The rules, known as the Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) regulations, expand prescribing functions for pharmacists, in coordination with physicians.

“It’s my firm belief that the regulations really got passed because of student advocacy and the 300 signatures collected from Howard University students,” Fotso said. “We are the only pharmacy school in the District of Columbia. We should be in the lead.”

A new CPA between doctors and pharmacists was signed into law in the District of Columbia in 2012, but a final-round of rule-making still was not completed as of last year. Fotso joined other health organizations in the city to step up advocacy.

On campus, Fotso enlisted the help of then College of Pharmacy student council president Pawlose Ketema to get most of the college’s 17 organizations on board to help with letter-writing campaign.

“We wanted to show that students can be on the front lines of policy,” Ketema said. “This agreement represents our future. We are already taught to work with physicians and take care of patients. By the time we graduate, we wanted this to be set in place.”

Fotso’s role was recently acknowledged by the APhA, the largest association of pharmacists in the United States. Toyin Tofade, Pharm. D, dean of the Howard University College of Pharmacy, has also commended the students’ accomplishment.

“It is an honor to have such great leadership skills among our student body,” Dr. Tofade said. “Patrick Fotso and Pawlose Ketema and their teams did a fantastic job obtaining signatures to make this happen. Many thanks to the faculty and alumni mentors who worked together to make this happen."

[pictured - College of Pharmacy students who helped with the letter-writing campaign for new CDA regulations. Credit: Alicia Mica, APha senior lobbyist. Pictured (above): Patrick Fotso and Pawlose Ketema, left to right]

About Howard University

Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private, research university that is comprised of 13 schools and colleges. Students pursue studies in more than 120 areas leading to undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. The University operates with a commitment to Excellence in Truth and Service and has produced four Rhodes Scholars, 11 Truman Scholars, two Marshall Scholars, one Schwarzman Scholar, over 70 Fulbright Scholars and 22 Pickering Fellows. Howard also produces more on-campus African-American Ph.D. recipients than any other university in the United States. For more information on Howard University, visit www.howard.edu.