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Howard University Marks Milestones Which Have Moved “Howard Forward”

A five-year plan to elevate the University, The Howard Forward plan began in 2019 and focused on five initiatives to improve the University commitment to truth and service.

Howard Forward President Vinson

To celebrate the successful outcomes of Howard University's “Howard Forward” Strategic Plan, President Ben Vinson III, Ph.D., and dozens of University faculty, staff, and students gathered to acknowledge the key goals that were met as a result of the plan’s implementation while also outlining a path to create new strategies for growth, reputation building, and operational effectiveness.    

Launched in 2019, the Howard Forward plan has shaped the University’s strategic investments, program creation, and operational transformation over the past five years. 

“This plan shows us what we can accomplish when we are guided by a central goal and that goal is simple — to strengthen Howard University,” President Vinson said during remarks to a full audience.  

The event christened the new Oliver Building— a residential, administrative, and commercial space opened ahead of the 2024-2025 academic year. The building includes 93 apartment units for faculty, staff, and graduate and professional students.  Additionally, a major administrative section of the building will house the Office of University Communications and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. 

Celebrating Institution-Wide Success  

President Vinson highlighted Howard Forward Plan’s strategic pillars which include: enhancing academic programs, inspiring new knowledge, serving the community, improving efficiency & effectiveness, and achieving financial stability.  

He shared examples of goals met or exceeded by the University, such as establishing a partnership with other universities and research centers to launch a clinical trial addressing opioid use disorders, reaching $106 million in research funding in 2023, and the awarding of a $90 million research contract with the U.S. Air Force to study artificial intelligence.  

President Vinson also pointed to enhanced academic offerings, which have not only increased student competitiveness, but have also helped attract the best and brightest students around the world. Enrollment goals, he noted, have been “increased and surpassed multiple times,” while retention and graduation rates are at or near record levels.  

“We are in a unique space and time that has propelled us into not just a national, but an international spotlight,” said President Vinson. “It appears that we are launching into a whole new sphere with boundless possibilities.” 

President Vinson also acknowledged the financial progress made under the plan, including a 65% increase in alumni giving and Howard’s endowment nearing $1 billion. He also spotlighted the ten-fold growth in volunteerism over the past four years, an area that reflects the Howard community’s longstanding commitment to truth and service.  

Vinson paid tribute to President Emeritus Wayne A.I. Frederick (B.S. ’92, M.D. ’94, MBA ’11), for overseeing the creation and implementation of the Howard Forward plan, calling Frederick’s leadership “nothing short of transformational.” In addition, he recognized the collaborative contributions of the many Howard faculty and staff members who contributed to the program’s success.  

We must seek maximum efficiency and must prioritize customer service,” 

Preparing for Howard’s Future 

Looking ahead, President Vinson introduced six overarching goals to guide the next phase of Howard University's strategic planning: strengthening organizational structure, increasing revenue, elevating research and scholarship, establishing processes for continuous improvement and assessment of internal operations, enhancing facilities, and increasing Howard’s national and international visibility.  

“We are a hub for critical research to address regional, national and global challenges and we plan to showcase this with high-impact communications channels and a marketing strategy that can attract talented students, faculty and staff,” President Vinson said.  

In addressing internal operations, President Vinson said the upcoming plan would place special emphasis on areas such as grant administration, procurement, travel, on-boarding, and student services.  

“We must seek maximum efficiency and must prioritize customer service,” Vinson said.  

Howard’s facilities planning would focus both on ongoing and upcoming renovation projects, including renovations of the new Howard University Hospital.  

President Vinson urged the Howard community to engage in shaping the next strategic plan and continue building on the legacy of excellence. 

“Make your voices heard as we chart our course over the next several years,” President Vinson said. “I know I’m looking forward to what we can imagine and what we can build together as we ascend to higher heights in academic scholarship and student success, in Black culture and in promoting excellence.” 

Howard University President Ben Vinson III
Howard University President Ben Vinson III, Ph.D., addresses the crowd at the Howard Forward event. (Source: Latrell Caton).

 Key staff members are ready to launch a new chapter in Howard’s storied history. 

“Strategic plans are much more than documents, they are blueprints for the future,” said Rashad Young, senior vice president and chief strategy officer. “These plans are rooted in a depth of engagement and showcase our clear vision and collective commitment to advance our University’s mission.” 

“I equate this transition to track when you pass the baton,” added Robert K. Johns (MA ’05),  Th.D., Ed.D., director of strategic corporate and community engagement. “They didn’t miss a beat, and we kept moving Howard forward. I’m excited to see that growth and continuous leadership ahead.”