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Commencement 2021 Update

Dear Howard University Class of 2021,

While we continue to explore options for an in-person commencement ceremony, we are also moving forward with plans to conduct a virtual commencement on May 8 to celebrate your achievements as Howard graduates and to give you as much of a fitting send-off as we can under the circumstances.

The District of Columbia government has indicated that hosting in-person festivities might be possible this Spring. Next week, the District of Columbia government will be issuing guidance outlining the parameters under which in-person commencement exercises could possibly take place if at all. There will certainly be capacity limitations and other restrictions to ensure the safety of participants amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As we know more, we will keep you informed.

I recognize that, last year, we had tentatively planned to host an in-person commencement on Mother’s Day weekend for both the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021. However, we must continue to follow the recommendations of our local health officials, whatever those recommendations might be at the time of commencement, and act in the best interest of our community’s health and safety. 

Please be on the lookout for further updates next week.

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA
Charles R. Drew Professor of Surgery