Jazmine Grant
STEM Scholars
STEM Scholar
Baltimore, Maryland
Jazmine Grant is a biology major and chemistry minor from Baltimore, Maryland. She plans to pursue a MD-Ph.D. and specialize in anesthesiology and research neuroscience and pharmacology concepts. Grant has special interests in researching drug mechanisms, drug addiction, pain management, and chronic pain. In the future, she wants to curate a multi-specialty center that aids people that suffer from drug addiction, chronic pain or other health issues and the socio-economic issues that comes along with it. STEM has always been of interest and she wants to fill the void of African Americans in STEM careers. She chose to attend Howard because she wanted to be around intelligent black and brown students and be a part of a wonderful legacy. She also chose Howard due to the immense amount of opportunities that are here for STEM students. Grant’s main reason for wanting to research drug mechanisms and addiction is because, in the future, she wants to give back to her community and help people that have been negatively impacted by drugs.