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Update Regarding In-Person Commencement Activities

Dear Howard University Community,

A few weeks ago, I wrote to inform you that Howard University was exploring options for an in-person commencement ceremony. Since that time, we have engaged in ongoing discussions with the government of the District of Columbia in order to determine what in-person commencement opportunities might be available to us this year.

At this time, we are planning to host an in-person commencement subject to the rules and regulations of the D.C. government. Our goal is to invite both the Class of 2020 and the Class of 2021 to campus May 5-8.

If we cannot receive approval or further guidance from D.C. government, or if local conditions deteriorate to the point that we do not believe in-person commencement exercises can be held safely, then we will commit to a 100 percent virtual commencement. We will make a final decision by April 9.

While I am excited about this announcement, I must stress that these plans are tentative and subject to change. Local government officials must approve the plans that we develop. As a community we must demonstrate an adherence to local and university rules regarding COVID-19 regulations. This is of paramount importance. Our acts must demonstrate that we care for one another and can execute an event of this magnitude safely.

All in-person commencement exercises must meet mandated guidelines issued by the District of Columbia and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which are likely to include capacity limitations, social distancing requirements, contact tracing and COVID-19 testing protocols.  

I understand that not having a definitive decision is inconvenient. This pandemic has forced us all to be more flexible than ever before. We will make a final decision by April 9 about whether to host entirely in-person or virtual commencement activities. I am also inviting all individuals from the classes of 2021 and 2020 to join me for a commencement townhall prior to April 9 so we can discuss the complexities of the situation. We will send out a communication about the townhall when we have finalized details.

As always, thank you for your patience and flexibility as we attempt to navigate a highly dynamic environment.

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA
Charles R. Drew Professor of Surgery