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University Procurement and Accounts Payable Operations during the COVID-19 Crisis

Procurement April 2 Slide 2

Dear Howard University Colleagues, 

With nearly all faculty and staff now off-campus and working remotely, the University faces many challenges with respect to the continuation of University purchasing, contracting, receiving, billing and payment activities.

Like you, the University’s Office of Procurement & Contracting, Accounts Payable Office, and Central Services warehouse are all exercising appropriate social distancing, working within the guidelines given to us by Howard’s Office of Human Resources (OHR) in order to ensure the health and safety of the entire Howard Community and mitigate transmission of COVID-19. 

During this emergency period, the OPC and AP staff are remotely processing requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, reimbursements, refunds, payment requests, vendor payments, and all other transactions related to the Office of Procurement & Contracting, Accounts Payable, and Central Services. 

The attached document explains:

  • How purchasing and payment processes will work during the current period of mandatory remote work
  • Who to contact if you have questions that are not answered in the document itself, and
  • What to do if you have special issues which may require special assistance.

Please note that OPC will continue to maintain average cycle times of five to ten business days to implement transactions, depending on the complexity of the transaction. AP will continue to process vendor payments, employee reimbursements, and student refunds weekly. 

Though we are all adjusting to telecommuting, the OPC and AP teams are committed to meeting the business needs of the HU community so faculty and staff can continue to sustain teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and service in these unprecedented times.   

Please share the attached information with others who may need it, follow the provided guidance, and reach out if you need assistance.   

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Michael Masch
Chief Financial Officer

Rawle Howard
Chief Procurement Officer