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President Frederick Welcomes Fellow Bison to the Fall Semester

Welcome Howard University Community,

As we embark on this new journey of virtual learning for the Fall semester, I’d like to thank each of you for your patience and understanding as the University has dealt with the difficult decision to begin this semester remotely. Additionally, I send my thanks to the members of the Re-opening Taskforce who have worked diligently to create a comprehensive plan that is thoughtful, detailed, and written with the safety of the entire University community in mind. 

I’d like to extend a sincere welcome to the class of 2024! Congratulations on being one of the outstanding new members of the Howard family. Your introduction to higher education will be as unique as the unprecedented heights you will reach. You are joining a community of leaders, entrepreneurs and influencers that take the training they receive at the Mecca and go on to change the world. Kudos to you for staying the course in pursuit of higher education.  I know that this decision was not made lightly and I’m sure many thoughtful conversations with family and friends took place to bring you to this moment. My goal is to make sure we do our part to create the most meaningful remote learning environment and maintain a safe campus for the day you ultimately set foot on the Hilltop.  However, I need you to also do your part in your circle of influence by following the necessary Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to wear your mask, wash your hands frequently and keep your distance when in public places.

Despite the challenges that we’ve witnessed and endured since March with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Howard University has never wavered in the pursuit of its mission of service.  We set up two COVID-19 testing centers in underserved parts of Ward 7 and 8 to bridge the gap and bring testing resources to the most vulnerable. Howard was among the first to make testing free and available without a doctor’s referral and accessible to those who may be asymptomatic. To date, we’ve been able to continue operating the University without having to issue furloughs or layoffs. Bear in mind that Howard employs more African American faculty than any other institution, so this is an accomplishment that I’m very proud of, and it speaks to the ability of our leadership team to manage and thoughtfully reduce their budgets in times of emergency. This responsible stewardship has also led many supporters to take notice. Howard University continues to receive support from donors who want to ensure that the institution survives and thrives beyond the present crisis.  Most recently, Ms. MacKenzie Scott donated $40 million, the largest gift in our school history.  We plan to immediately put this gift to good use to support the components of our 5-year strategic plan to help students graduate on time, retain our talented faculty, enhance our campus infrastructure and support academic innovation and entrepreneurship. And, I am very proud to see one of Howard’s own excel to become the first Black woman to be named a candidate for Vice President of the United States on the ticket of a major party.  Senator Kamala Harris (B.A., 1986) often credits the training and nurturing she received at Howard University for building her confidence in her ability to achieve any goal she set her mind to. All this great news reconfirms that we are moving Howard Forward and you’ve picked a great time to be at the Mecca. 

Howard is exceptional; our diverse community supports a unique life experience, fosters academic excellence and inspires new knowledge through varied instructional models. Beyond our differences, we are connected by the legacy and relevance of this storied institution. Our common thread is one of care for others and demonstrates how service has become the essential actionof Howard University.

The distinction of this institution is deeply rooted and supported by our concern for one another and is demonstrated through our truth and service. Generations of Bison made it to and through the Hilltop by the prayers, love, advocacy, and encouragement of members of this village. Howard University is at its best when we focus on service above self. In this unique moment, I challenge you to participate in a particular pillar of our Howard Forwardstrategic plan: Serve the Community. While we will operate remotely for academic instruction, we encourage you to explore thoughtful and safe ways to best serve those around you. Virtually mentor a young neighbor in math, grocery shop for an elderly relative or volunteer with a church foodbank or neighborhood nonprofit. Above all, we can protect our community by following CDC guidelines to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 among family, friends and neighbors. 

For updates on the University’s response, FAQ’s, and updates on the Fall Re-opening, please visit https://home.howard.edu/reopenand be sure to monitor your University email for the latest updates. May the quest for new knowledge, engagement, and a commitment to one another infuse our collaborative work throughout this new academic year. Best wishes for a successful semester.

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA