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Middle States Accreditation Visit Postponed Until Fall 2020

Dear Howard University Community, 

The site visit required for the completion of our review for reaccreditation has been postponed by Middle States until Fall 2020. For more than two years we had planned on hosting a Middle States site visit, initially scheduled for April 15-17, 2020, and receiving an official reaffirmation of accreditation from the accrediting body by the summer. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and our commitment to completing the reaccrediting process this semester, we requested and were initially approved to transition from a traditional visit to host a virtual site visit in the same time period. Regrettably, due to challenges with planning logistics from the site visit team, a virtual site visit of our campus by Middle States will not occur this semester. A traditional site visit will be rescheduled likely in late October or early November during the Fall 2020 semester. We will provide an update when we receive confirmation from Middle States. Our deepest thanks and appreciation to the full campus community for your invaluable contributions to the Self-Study report that advances our University. 

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Rubin Patterson, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Chair, Middle States 2020 Self-Study