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Howard University Soon Seeking Development Partners for Premier Georgia Avenue Parcels

WASHINGTONHoward University will soon seek proposals from development partners through competitive solicitations for two new projects: East Towers Parcels and Wonder Plaza. Following up on Howard’s recent Request for Proposals for the Lot 3 Parcels Development, these new projects offer developers the opportunity to partner with Howard as it continues to transform its campus edge.

The East Towers Parcels Request for Proposals will be the first solicitation issued. Howard is seeking a partner to conceptualize, design, finance, and execute a transformative development at the site of an existing parking lot located at 2251 Sherman Ave NW and 2047 9th St NW. This 1.8-acre site is zoned for high density development and presents a unique opportunity to cultivate a cohesive Georgia Avenue Corridor that connects Howard’s campus to a thriving community.

Howard will also present a Request for Qualifications for a developer to prepare a development plan for Wonder Plaza, a self-sustaining, mixed-use development at 2301 Georgia Ave NW, for campus use. The Selected Developer will conduct due diligence, engage stakeholders, and identify executable development options for Wonder Plaza. Envisioned as a fusion building in Howard’s latest Campus Master Plan, the redeveloped Wonder Plaza Site will create a new epicenter for student engagement and activity, with recreation, residential, and retail. The proposed concept provides additional flexibility in student life facilities and support spaces while adding density and animation to Georgia Avenue.

“The East Towers Parcels and Wonder Plaza are yet another set of development opportunities that will advance the University’s Southwest Campus development strategy,” said Howard President Wayne A. I. Frederick.  “By collaborating with the University to implement the vision expressed in the Duke Small Area Plan, this rebranded ‘Duke District’ will create a mixed-use, urban infill community to fuel continued growth in the Shaw neighborhood and serve faculty, staff, students and neighbors alike through the addition of quality mixed-use space.”

These projects represent a critical component of Howard Forward 2024, the University’s five-year strategic plan that articulates our aspirations to maximize efficiency and effectiveness within the institution and impact outside of it. To utilize Howard’s resources to best serve the community, we are seeking to partner with leaders and organizations that share our vision. Through these innovative collaborations, Howard can attract capital to fund other campus initiatives while transforming the neighborhood and enhancing quality of life for our community members.

Howard’s evolving campus master plan offers a far-reaching vision for the long-term transformation of the central campus and its integration with the surrounding neighborhoods. The renovation of the Howard Plaza Towers student housing complex, the recently announced Bond Bread initiative as well as the redevelopment of our parcel at 9th and V Streets NW have all contributed to catalyzing a strategic re-imagining of the entire corridor development west of the Georgia Avenue Corridor.

Continuing a university tradition employed in all real estate development initiatives, developers will be required to demonstrate significant minority participation in the projects, at both the ownership and service provider levels. Additionally, Howard will maintain fee simple ownership of the property to preserve and enhance its real estate portfolio.

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Media Contact: Alonda Thomas, Alonda.Thomas@Howard.edu 

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