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Howard University President Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick Addresses the Election Process

A Message from the President

Dear Howard University Community,

In a few simple words, Howard’s founding motto helps guide our actions in moments of uncertainty. Not only does it elevate the important principles of “truth and service,” but it obliges us to adhere to them in that specific order. First, we must discover the truth. And then we can pursue our service.

As of right now, we still do not know who has won the 2020 presidential election; the votes will continue to be counted according to the laws of each state. After months and months of a bitterly contentious and partisan campaign, I understand the frustration of having to wait a little longer for the results. But I implore us all to have patience. We must await the truth to avoid pre-determining our course of service without benefit of the facts. Of course, elections have consequences. Whoever controls the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives will dictate the nature of our efforts to continue to bring forth a more just and equal society. But we must wait to know who is in power before we can determine how we will work with our national government to bring about much-needed change.

I appreciate your passions and eagerness to serve. I commend all of our students, faculty and staff for their involvement in the democratic process. By voting and stumping for your candidates of choice, you helped cultivate a more engaged citizenry. When the people of our country feel more investment and involvement in the operations and outcomes of our government, a better nation emerges as a result. The high turnout this year across the country is an indication not only of how critical this election is, but of how citizens of all demographics perceive the government as capable of working on their behalf.

Again, I wish to congratulate Kamala Harris, our esteemed alumna, for rising to the top of a major political party’s presidential ticket, the first African American woman ever to do so. It is never easy to be the first in any field. And yet, with a grace and confidence befitting her alma matter of Howard University, Senator Harris has inspired so many through her dedication to service.

Uncertain moments often lead to fractious and divisive times. We have seen that happen throughout our country’s history. But through patience and a devotion to the truth, we will get through this election, whatever the results, and continue to work toward the betterment of our country.

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA
Charles R. Drew Professor of Surgery