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Howard Thank You - Middle States Visit Completed

Dear Howard University Community,

At the conclusion of this week’s remote campus visit of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, I wanted to offer my immense gratitude to the staff, faculty and students who played a critical role during the entire two-year accreditation review process. Coordinating this review in the middle of a pandemic when our campus is largely closed created additional obstacles. But through the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in this process, we met the challenge head on. Based on the exit report shared today, the site visit team, in their judgement, indicated that Howard University appears to meet all standards with several complimentary commendations, and we remain hopeful we will receive our full re-accreditation.  

In particular, I wish to thank the chair of this momentous project, Dr. Rubin Patterson, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, for his exemplary leadership. Thank you for staying the course to see us through this integral process! Special thanks to Dr. Anthony K. Wutoh, provost and chief academic officer; Dr. Daphne Bernard, associate provost; and Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy, chief operations officer for their tireless and adept leadership. Their efforts enabled Howard to showcase our strength and dedication to excellence in all facets of the University’s operations and academic offerings.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the members of the self-study team as well as to those who made helpful suggestions during the self-study research and writing phases. The self-study is an important element of the accreditation process; it is an opportunity for the University to undergo a thorough self-examination, which is critical for our accreditation to be renewed, but also for Howard to continue to improve going forward.

This accomplishment is a tribute to the entire campus community, students, faculty, staff and Board of Trustees, for rallying together to advance Howard University. The Middle States accreditation review is an all-encompassing examination of Howard’s operational effectiveness to ensure that we are adhering to our mission and responsibility to our community. We could not live up to our mission without all of your participation and support. Together, let’s continue to move Howard Forward! 

Excellence in Truth and Service

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA