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What is the HEART Grant?

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Howard University has established the HEART grant to assist students with financial need to manage their Fall 2020 student bills. 

The Howard Easement and Assistance Relief Trust (HEART) Grant Program will provide grants of up to $500 to students whose expected family contribution is less than their cost of attendance, and up to $1,250 to students whose expected family contribution is less than the Pell maximum of $5,711. The grants will be awarded to all eligible full-time students who were registered by August 7, 2020, irrespective of on- or off-campus residence status. The grants will be applied to those student accounts no later than the Fall 2020 census date (October 23, 2020).

Who is eligible for the HEART Grant?

  • The HEART Grant is available to students whose “expected family contribution” (EFC) on the FAFSA is less than the cost of attendance and who have COA expenses not covered through other scholarships or grants. 
  • HEART Grants will be awarded to all eligible full-time students, who were registered by August 7, 2020, irrespective of on- or off-campus residence status.

How much will eligible students receive?

  • The amount of the award depends on your outstanding balance after all scholarships and grants are applied.  
  • Students whose EFC is less than the cost of attendance may receive a grant of up to $500 
  • Students whose EFC is less than the Pell maximum of $5,711 may receive a grant of up to $1,250

When will the HEART Grants be awarded?

  • The grant will be applied to eligible student accounts no later than the Fall 2020 census date, which is October 23, 2020.

I meet the eligibility criteria, but I already paid my balance in full? Am I still eligible?

If you paid a balance on your account AFTER scholarships and grants were applied, you will receive a refund up to the amount of your eligible HEART award. For example, if you were eligible for $300 in out of pocket expenses, you will get a refund in that amount back to the original method of payment (i.e. the bank account or credit card used for the original payment.)

If you had a balance but it was covered already by other scholarships or grants, you will NOT receive the HEART Grant. The grant is intended to support those students with the most remaining unmet financial need. 

Who can I speak with to check my status for the HEART Grant?

Please contact Bursar Help at  bursarhelp@howard.edu